God is raising up a generation of men and women who have a burning passion for Jesus– a passion that compels them to share His love with all the world.
A Discipleship Training School (DTS) is an intensive course with a three-month training phase and a two-month outreach phase. You have an opportunity to discover your passions and your part in God’s purposes for the world. DTS is for those who long to follow Jesus in new ways with a new perspective.
It is the gateway course to join YWAM and continue with the University of the Nations. Or it fits perfectly in a gap year between study and work.
The first three months of your DTS are the training phase. Every week we invite either local or international speakers to teach and train on biblical topics and principles.
During the training phase, you will learn valuable tools in sharing your testimony, evangelism, and partnering with local ministries in our community.
The last two months of your Discipleship Training School is the outreach portion of your school. You will be commissioned with an outreach team to serve somewhere in the world. Your short-term outreach will serve alongside long-term workers and existing ministries. Altogether, it will be an unforgettable adventure as you know God and make Him known.
The purpose of the DTS is:
“To send out thousands of young men and women whose reference points are the Word and Will of God, who has Christ’s love for all peoples, and the skills and passion needed to win people to Jesus and to disciple nations, in His ways.”
– Darlene Cunningham (YWAM’s co-founder)
During the Training Phase in Tauranga, New Zealand, you have the incredible opportunity to:
- Grow deeper in relationship with God
- Develop a meaningful and sustainable prayer life
- Discover your God-given identity and destiny
- Join in prayer and worship with the Prayer Room
- Form life-long and lasting friendships
- Share the gospel confidently
During your two-month Outreach Phase:
- You will impact the nations for Christ from the place of inward transformation and intimacy
- We are committed to reaching the lost, caring for the poor, and loving the one in front of us
- Our short-term outreaches serve alongside long-term workers and existing ministries.
You will have an unforgettable adventure as you know God and make Him known.
Each week we invite speakers both local and international to impart, teach, and train on biblical topics and principles.
They Include:
- Father Heart of God
- Prayer & Worship
- Character & Nature of God
- Missions
- Evangelism
- Holy Spirit
- Lordship of Christ
- Identity & Relationships
- The Word of God
$5300 NZD
Starting in September 2025 DTS course fees will increase to $5700 NZD
This includes:
- Housing
- Food
- Activities
- Educational costs
It does not include visas or personal expenses such as toiletries, snacks and postage, airfare and bus/shuttle needed to transport you from Auckland to Tauranga (we DO provide pick-ups from Tauranga Airport and the Tauranga bus stop).
$5000 – 7500 NZD*
This includes:
- Food
- Travel
- Accommodations
* Costs vary depending on the outreach location you choose. It does not include visa costs as this varies per nationality.
YWAM Furnace has three pillars: Encounter, Equip, and Send.
Encounter: It is when we encounter God in His presence that we are renewed and set free. When we fall more in love with God, and gain insight into His plans and purposes, and the dreams on His heart. From that place of encounter, our desire grows to see more people to encounter God, to know and love Him.
Equip: We want to equip people not only to grow in their relationship with God, but also to have a biblical foundation and understanding. To learn and gain practical knowledge and skills to live out a missional lifestyle–in the spheres of society, your neighbourhood, or on a cross-cultural mission field. Equipped to share the gospel and make disciples in whatever context God is calling you to.
Send: We don’t want to grow our numbers here for the sake of growth, we want to release more missionaries into the harvest across the earth. We are called to be a place where people are launched into their callings and commissioned to go out into the world to see them “go for God”.
YWAM Furnace also has seven Culture Pieces:
- Intimacy with Jesus
- Holiness
- Wholeheartedness
- Honour
- Discipleship
- Missions and Evangelism
Something else that makes YWAM Furnace unique is our value of prayer and worship. Prayer and worship go hand in hand with missions. We cannot do what we do without a foundation of prayer and intimacy with God, or a sense of awe and reverence for God expressed through worship.
We want to start from the place of prayer. Intimacy with God is the ultimate goal, knowing and loving Him first. From deep encounters in His presence we catch the vision, and God increases our zeal and passion to make Him known. Then we can go out and love our neighbours near and far.
Prayer is both a way for us to personally know God, but also a way for us to partner with God to see the dreams of His heart fulfilled. We can boldly approach God’s throne, and when we pray we can have confidence that He hears us. Our prayers are powerful and shift spiritual atmospheres, and God moves in response to us.
This is lived out in our Furnace Prayer Room. It is a space to connect with God in His presence, study the Word, and engage in corporate intercession for New Zealand, other nations and people groups, or justice issues.
A week on DTS contains a good variety of learning, practising, processing, and fun.
- Main DTS classes: Monday – Friday in the morning or afternoon, for about 3 hours a day with a break.
- Time in the Furnace Prayer Room (typically at least 6 hours per week) & prayer coaching
- One-on-one conversations with a staff member to come alongside you in your journey with God
- Evangelism training and practice
- Community outreach – serving locally with different ministries
- Cleaning/Work duties
- Team building/preparation for outreach phase.
- Fun weekend activities like day trips, beach hangouts, volleyball etc.
Typically the majority of DTS students are between 18 and 25 years old. But we frequently have students also in their late 20s or 30s (and occasionally someone in their 40s, 50s, or 60s).
Our student numbers have varied 10-35 students.
We also have second-level courses that usually run at the same time as DTS, so there will be other students around at the same time.
We have five “Target Nations” which are: New Zealand, Fiji, the Philippines, Cambodia, and Nepal, but we have occasionally sent teams to other countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Something that makes YWAM Furnace unique is our value of prayer and worship, which is lived out in our Furnace Prayer Room. The Furnace Prayer Room is a space to connect with God in His presence, study the Word, and engage in corporate intercession for New Zealand, other nations and people groups, or justice issues. As part of your DTS schedule, you’ll get to spend a few hours a week in the prayer room.
Check out our Furnace Prayer Room Instagram for more info, updates, as well as tips and resources on prayer.
Outreach fees will vary depending on the location of your outreach and the number of people on your team. The outreach budget isn’t finalized until around week 3 of Training Phase, once DTS outreach locations/teams are chosen.
We work with students in different financial situations to help them with resources on how to raise financial support.
Yes – but please remember that the school price includes food and accommodation – which make up the majority of the cost.
We try to make our fees as reasonable as possible – and New Zealand is a very expensive country to live in.
More FAQ’s are here.
- Himalayas
- Philippines
- Fiji
- Cambodia
- New Zealand