The One Thing Internship (OTI) is simply this: one month of giving Jesus your full attention.
Encounter God in a community of worship and prayer, behold His beauty through simple devotion, and develop a lifestyle of enjoyable prayer.
It’s about pursuing Him for a short, intensive season, building a sustainable life of prayer as we grow in the desire to seek His face. Nothing is more important.
*Completion of a DTS is not a prerequisite for this internship
The One Thing Internship gets its name from Psalm 27:4 where King David describes his only desire, which was to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of His life and to gaze upon His beauty.
This four-week intensive is for anyone to give a month of their lives to an intentional pursuit of this reality.
The course will lay down the fundamentals for the vision, values, and expression of both personal and corporate prayer and worship.
- You will grow in both the knowledge and understanding of God, who continually invites us to partner with Him in prayer so His great purposes would be accomplished on the earth.
- You will have classes with speakers who will unpack these topics, along with other practical tools to equip you to live a “One Thing” lifestyle in whatever God has called you into.
- You will spend approximately 10 hours per week in the Prayer Room, in the place of personal study and corporate worship and intercession, which is foundational to all this.
Here in New Zealand, the Lord has invited us to have a part to play in this great story He is writing in the nations.
So, we extend this invitation to you—come and be part of what He is doing here at the ends of the earth!
Each of the four weeks of the internship will have a different focus:
Week 1: One thing I desire
Psalm 27:4 – The Beauty of Jesus
Week 2: One thing is needed
Luke 10:42 – Intimacy with Jesus
Week 3: One thing I do
Philippians 3:13 · Looking Ahead to Jesus’ Return
Week 4: One who is coming
John 1:27 · The Forerunner Message
$1,850 NZD
This includes:
- Housing
- Food
- Educational costs
*The fees does not include: visas or personal expenses such as toiletries, snacks and postage, airfare and bus/shuttle needed to get you from Auckland to Tauranga. We DO provide pick-ups from the Tauranga Airport and bus stop.
Currently, the One Thing Internship will run twice a year – starting in January and July – as long as we have sufficient numbers.
Most OTI students are between 20 and 35, but so far we’ve had interns from 18 through to 72. There’s also a wide age range amongst the staff on base, so you’ll feel right at home no matter how ‘young’ you are.
The internship is run by YWAM and takes place on the YWAM Furnace base, but at its centre is the ‘Furnace Prayer Room’ – a house of prayer in the city of Tauranga. The internship leaders have a long association with both YWAM and the House of Prayer movement in New Zealand and overseas. We’re excited about the coming together of prayer and missions.
We have two-plus hours of teaching every day – mostly in a lecture format but with lots of discussions. Teaching may also take place as a Q&A. We’re in the prayer-room around 10 hours a week, with specific sessions in the morning plus one evening. We also have ‘small groups’ once a week and a weekly ‘family night’ which is dinner and hanging out together at a staff member’s home or at the beach.
The majority of our interns have not been in a prayer-room environment before and at first, it can sound a little daunting. You’ll find it’s actually enjoyable! There are different types of prayer sessions, eg Devotional, ‘Worship with the Word’ and Intercession, which we’ll explain more before the first session. The music is usually live with talented musicians and singers, and as well as spending time in prayer, many people read, journal or study. You’ll find it restful and inspiring. Most interns say the hours spent in the prayer room is one of the highlights of the internship.
Weekends are free. Every Saturday we provide the opportunity for you to see another part of this amazing country with day-trips to places like Rotorua and Cathedral Cove. These trips are covered in the course fees. On Sundays, there are always vans going to various local churches in the Tauranga area. If you have your own car, you’re welcome to leave the campus on weekends or during any free time in the schedule.
If you live in the city already, you are welcome to stay at home and commute to the campus. That said, we’d encourage you to be ‘all in’ and come live on base – because juggling home-life with the requirements of the course can be stressful. But it’s up to you. If you choose to remain at home, the course fees will be less. Please contact us for more details.
Absolutely! There are no prerequisites, other than a desire to know and love Jesus more. We’re keen to see people from all walks of life embrace this one-month intensive season: tradespeople, professionals, artists, missionaries, musicians, politicians, local church staff, students, and more. Nau mai, haere mai! (Come! Welcome!)
“I was struggling with addiction to vaping, then God showed me his deep love for me, he showed me that he wanted to be my comforter. Now I’m walking in freedom because I’m operating out of the love God has for me, and a desire to love him back and not grieve his heart by looking for comfort in other places, but finding all my peace in him.” – Michelle
“I was in a dry and distant place and overly consumed by ambitions, career and duties. God pulled me away from the hustle and bustle of this life, so that I may sit at His feet and gaze upon His beauty. Now I am forever changed and no longer serve my calling but my purpose, which is to WORSHIP HIM.” – Dorothy
“I came to OTI feeling confused and tired after an intense year. I felt like I didn’t know how to please God or know him closely. During OTI, God showed me how much he wants to be with us and that all he desires is for us to know his love and love him back. Now I feel so much more at peace and I’m excited to keep going deeper into God’s love.” – Becky
“I didn’t trust that God could, would or want to love me. God revealed the truth about his love for me, the gentleness of his love and how much he desires for me to be made whole in his love and he desires that there wouldn’t be any hindrance in me coming to him. He revealed to me that he will never stop loving me. I want to come to God because I know I am wanted by him. I’m secure in his love and in the promise that he will never stop loving me.” – Rachel